Serving South Florida Since 1974

3 often missed considerations when starting a business

On Behalf of | Oct 18, 2024 | Business Law

Starting a business requires you to think about several things, but it’s almost impossible to think of everything. There are a few considerations that many business owners may overlook when they’re starting a new company. 

While these might not be at the top of your list if you’re just starting a new business, they should be considerations. 

1. Compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act 

Many people don’t realize that websites and brick-and-mortar buildings have to be compliant with Americans with Disabilities Act guidelines. Failing to comply with applicable regulations can lead to legal issues for your company. 

2. Obtaining business interruption insurance

Business interruption insurance is a policy that kicks in if your business has to close because of something like a natural disaster. It can cover things like normal operating expenses and payroll. This can provide valuable financial stability for a new business that might be operating on a tight budget. 

3. Cybersecurity considerations

If your company accepts orders online or asks for customer’s information online, you need to ensure that you have proper cybersecurity in place. Having a data breach can cause significant financial trouble for your company. 

As a new business owner, you need to do everything you can to protect yourself and your company. This often means trying to find the little-known considerations that can have a big impact on that. Getting legal guidance may help you discover things that you should do, and taking the time to do this as early in the process as possible is beneficial.